About me n you

I have created this blog for two of us. YOU - silly n crazy, and ME - crazy and your good angel.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Warm moments on cold days....

Its winter time, days are shorter and nights are longer... now its getting dark as early as 4 pm... and mostly freezing....I am waiting for those warm moments on cold days... And by warm moments, I don't always mean "that"... you know what I mean.... warm moments could be just you and me both going for a drive.. or sipping coffee together.... ..atleast I can hold your hands.... and hug you... and feel the warmth in your arms.....and just spend some time with you.....

Yesterday I thought that you probably can stay back little longer and I was also planning to stay back little late because of my meeting in the evening. I thought we would go out for a coffee or something in the evening, spend an hour or so, sit and talk..... There are very few times when we can do that.... but then you had to leave early and your back was hurting too... so couldn't spend time with you...... but thats ok.... I can't be always sad about it...... I hope you are feeling better now..... I am so sorry that I can't do much when you are not feeling good.. except for praying for your well-being.

I am not sure how much time you would be able to spend with me, I know you promised me... well, may be not promised but assured me.... that I always deserve your time and being with you and you will always try to be with me as much as possible.... and I know that's true...... so, I am just gonna wait for more of those warm moments......

Your, Good Angel


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