About me n you

I have created this blog for two of us. YOU - silly n crazy, and ME - crazy and your good angel.

Friday, October 27, 2006

I am sorry....

I am sorry to know that I am now sounding pushy and may be some times forcing myself onto you. I understand you have work to do and other things in life that definitely take precendence over our relationship and it will always be that way. I have been sending you messages like crazy, calling you like crazy, and wanting to be with you like crazy and adjusting my schedule towards that by staying up late and getting up early mornings.... Its all crazy....

I will step back a bit to give you the time that you need to take care of other things that takes precendence over me and our relationship. And I will try my best to convinvce myself that this relationship cannot be a precendence over anything else in life. :( Although it will not happen over night, but as I said I will try my best.

Please understand that I am not being sarcastic, I hate to become emotional because I know you don't like it, although I can't help it. But I will try not to exhibit that behavior in front of you. But please take your own time and own space to do what you need to do, until then I will leave you alone. But know that I will be waiting here for you, as always, forever.....

I don't want to stretch this relationship too much from one side, because stretching will eventually result into breaking, which I would never want. You and your friendship is precious to me and I don't want to loose it at any cost.

Oh, and from work presepective... I know you said your work cannot be allocated to anyone. And I know you work on lot of stuff on which probably I am not very knowledgable like you. But if there is anything that I can help, please let me know. And I am offering my help not because then you can finish it off early and spend time with me, but because I care for you.

In anticipation,
Truely yours....


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